Monday, August 29, 2011

Math 9 homework for 8-30

We all need to make an adjustment to the Springboard textbook.  In conventional textbooks, the homework problems are found gathered together on one or two pages after a section.  In our Springboard book, homework problems are not found in a separate section.  Homework problems can be assigned from the activity items in the text.  It is important that you write down both the page and item numbers of homework assignments, and that you not get the two confused.
Homework for 8-30:  page 12;  items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Hint:  Put labels into the blank spaces at the tops of the columns.

Hint for item 5:  The graph shown does not start at (0, 0).

Notes on the hw for today, 8-29:  page 11, items 17a, 17b, 18

17a.  Graph b reflects the intended design model for earning levels.  The upward curve shows that you don't just get "more" for getting to the next level, it shows you get "more on top of more", or an increasing, instead of constant, reward.

17b.  From the table on page 4, the columns "# of squares added" and "perimeter" look like 17a, straight graph a.  The column "total area" looks like the curved graph b in 17a.

18.  When playing a game, when you beat a level you are rewarded for recognizing a pattern,  To beat the next level, you have to recognize a more difficult pattern.  In a math problem, you may have two or more steps which are like levels.  You may have to recognize ("beat") increasingly more difficult patterns, from the expression level to the equation level, to the system of equations level, to the feasible/practical level, in order to solve the problem.

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